M utations in Celestial Parrotlets
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All content, including but not limited to all text and images, is the property of Iain D. Kendall unless otherwise indicated.
"Taking Care of Your New Baby" is the property of Elizabeth Jones.
Reproduction without express consent is strictly prohibited.

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All Parrotlet mutations are autosomal-recessive unless otherwise indicated.
This means that the birds gender has no efect on the mutation, and that a bird needs two copies of a specific gene in order to express it.
"Secondary" Mutations are phenotypes that arise when a bird has more than 1 mutation expressed at a time. Only important combinations listed at this time.
Most genetics technical terms are linked to the appropriate section of the Basic Genetics page. Simply click on these to be taken to an explaination of the term.

List of Primary Parrotlet mutations:
Eye Colour
Male Dimorphism
Other Names
Blue Blue bird, ranging in colour from cyan to dark blue. BlackCobalt
Yellow Yellow bird, tinged with green. Yellow face. BlackCobalt Dilute, American YellowMale markings may be lighter
Pastel Yellow bird, tinged with more green than in the Yellow mutation described above. BlackCobalt European Yellow
Lutino Bright yellow bird. Red White
Fallow Green-Yellow bird, with beige. Yellow face. Red Cobalt Male markings may be lighter
Pied Green bird with yellow scattered over body. BlackCobalt Recessive
Pied Green bird with yellow scattered over body. BlackCobalt Dominant
Isabelle Beige and yellow bird with green. Red Cobalt Cinnamon Recessive
Pallid Beige and yellow bird with green. Red Cobalt Cinnamon Sex-linked
Dark Darker colour than normal, may even appear tinged with brown.Black Cobalt Incomplete-Dominant.
Cobalt markings may appear almost black.
Grey Strong grey wash. BlackCobalt

List of Secondary Parrotlet mutations:
Eye Colour
Male Dimorphism
Combination of
White White bird with faint blue wash. Black Cobalt Blue Yellow aka Dilute Blue, American White
Pastel Blue White bird, tinged with blue. Lace pattern on wing. Black Cobalt Blue Pastel
Albino Pure white bird. Red White Blue Lutino Loss of visual dimorphism
Fallow Blue Pale blue bird. Red Cobalt Blue Fallow
Fallow Yellow Bright yellow bird. Red Cobalt Yellow Fallow
Page created 15 March 2008
Last modified: 1 July, 2008
Iain D. Kendall